$200.00 USD

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One Payment of $200.00

If you have created an account on this platform, Kajabi, in the past to view a Wild Abundance video course, then you will need to log-in to your account to purchase the Online Gardening School.

It has also come to our attention that there is an odd glitch with Kajabi's integration with Paypal with the sliding monthly payment options. This is only affecting some students. With some students, Paypal’s screen forgets to put the dollar sign and the decimal point, making $200.00 appear to be 20000.  We are in touch with Paypal and Kajabi about correcting this visual error, and they have so far been non-responsive. Other than this glitch, Kajabi has worked super well for us for years.

Please be assured that if you say yes to the purchase, you will, in fact be charged for your selection of $200.00, even if the dollar sign and the decimal points are missing. If you encounter this glitch, please email us at admin@wild abundance.net. Letting us know what browser you are using would be helpful, and if you happen to be able to get us a screenshot, it would be amazing. We have been super frustrated about this, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we do our best to get this super-important content out to you and to the world!